Collins White Circle



Choose a Section Below



1 - 50

51 - 100

101 - 249

250 - 299

300 - 349

350 - 399

400 - 449

450 - 499

500 - 545









The White Circle Index is presented in eleven sections, listed at the left.

There was a numbering gap between 118 & 200.


Welcome to my favourite early Canadian paperback series. Published by the Canadian subsidiary of Wm. Collins & Sons, the White Circle Pocket Library imprint lasted for 10 years, from 1942 to 1952. There were 459 numbered books in the series with 429 titles, all covered in lovely made-in-Canada covers. Enjoy.

- Jim


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The Collins White Circle Index is presented in pdf format. For best results, please adjust the magnification on your browser or pdf reader program to comfortably view the page.





















This page was updated in February 2018