

Click below to go to the scans


Twin Books


Twin Paperbacks                 1

PB Twins (Cont)                  2

PB Twins (Cont)                  3

PB Twins (Cont)                  4

PB Twins (Cont)                  5

PB Twins (Cont)                  6

Avon PB Twins                    7

Universal PB Twins             8

Uni PB Twins (Cont)           9


Books + Pulp Mag Twins


Popular Library Twins       10

Pop Lib Twins (Cont)        11

Ace Book-Mag Twins        12

Other Book-Mag Twins     13

Book-Mag Twins (Cont)    14

Book-Mag Twins (Cont)    15

Book-Mag Twins (Cont)    16


Pulp Magazine Twins


Adventure                          17

Adventure (Cont)               18

Adventure (Cont)               19

Adventure (Cont)               20

Adventure (Cont)               21

Adventure (Cont)               22

Adventure (Cont)               23

Adventure (Cont)               24

Adventure (Cont)               25

Adventure (Cont)               26

Adventure (Cont)               27

 Adventure (Cont)  Plus Sports Mags                                  28

Detective                            29

Detective (Cont)                 30

Detective (Cont)                 31

Detective (Cont)                 32

Detective (Cont)                 33

Detective (Cont)                 34

Detective (Cont)                 35

Detective (Cont)                 36

"Spicy" Romance              37

"Spicy" Romance (Cont)   38

"Spicy" Romance (Cont)   39

"Spicy" Romance (Cont)   40

Horror & Sci Fi                  41

Sci Fi (Cont)                       42

Sci Fi (Cont)                       43

Western                              44

Western (Cont)                   45

Western (Cont)                   46

Western (Cont)                   47

Western (Cont)                   48

Western (Cont)                   49

Western (Cont)                   50

Western (Cont)                   51

Western (Cont)                   52

Western (Cont)                   53




Not Quite Twins                 54

Not Quite Twins                 55

Reference Books                56

Ref Books (Cont)               57

Ref Books (Cont)               58

Ref Books (Cont)               59

Ref Books (Cont)               60

Ref Books (Cont)               61


Non-US Twins


Non-US Twins                    62

Non-US Twins (Cont)         63

Non-US Twins (Cont)         64

Non-US Twins (Cont)         65

Non-US Twins (Cont)         66

Non-US Twins (Cont)         67

Non-US Twins (Cont)         68

Non-US Twins (Cont)         69

Non-US Twins (Cont)         70

Non-US Twins (Cont)         71

Non-US Twins (Cont)         72

Non-US Twins (Cont)         73

Non-US Twins (Cont)         74

Non-US Twins (Cont)         75

Non-US Twins (Cont)         76

Non-US Twins (Cont)         77

Non-US Twins (Cont)         78

Non-US Twins (Cont)         79

Non-US Twins (Cont)         80

Non-US Twins (Cont)         82

Non-US Twins (Cont)         83

Non-US Twins (Cont)         84

Non-US Twins (Cont)         85

Non-US Twins (Cont)         86

Non-US Twins (Cont)         87

Non-US Twins (Cont)         88

Non-US Twins (Cont)         89

Non-US Twins (Cont)         90

Non-US Twins (Cont)         91

Non-US Twins (Cont)         92

Non-US Twins (Cont)         93

Non-US Twins (Cont)         94

Non-US Twins (Cont)         95

Non-US Twins (Cont)         96

Non-US Twins (Cont)         97

Non-US Twins (Cont)         98

Non-US Twins (Cont)         99

Non-US Twins (Cont)        100

Non-US Twins (Cont)        101

Non-US Twins (Cont)        102

Non-US Twins (Cont)        103

Non-US Twins (Cont)        104

Non-US Twins (Cont)        105


Kenneth R. Johnson's U.S. / German Twins                   106


An interesting practice used by some publishers was to take the cover art from one book and "recycle" it for use on another.

In this section, you'll see instances in which magazine art was also used for paperback cover illustration (as well as on other magazine issues). Keep in mind that early paperback publishing houses were often offshoots of pulp magazine empires.

I have NOT included reprints of the same publishers' titles that simply carried over the same artwork from the earlier printing.



In a few cases, the artwork was reversed, and sometimes altered, but it had obviously been duplicated.



Click the thumbnail and read the web address to identify the book or mag from which the image was taken. Magazines are identified YEAR FIRST, then month, then day (if applicable).

Let's try it with the images below. Click an image and read the web address. All the way at the end ... just before the ".jpg" ... you will see the mag's title, such as "cavalierclassics" or "arogosyweekly" plus the numbers:



      194011                     19381022

    November 1940         October 22, 1938



NOTE: This section of the BookScans Website was arranged by Robert Gaines, from Circleville, Ohio. He has spotted the vast majority of the "twins," and he spent weeks sorting and categorizing the scans. Thanks, Bob!

If you know of "twin covers" not presented here, please Email BookScans, and I'll pass the scans along to Bob for inclusion in his next update.




Men's Action Magazines




In some of cases, you might find it difficult to see the "matches," even when the covers are displayed side-by-side. Men's magazines from the 1960's often displayed two, three, four or even more pictures on the cover, so that a "set" of TWINS displayed in BookScans might contain more than one illustration. The majority of these covers can be seen in the "Adventure Magazine" sections.



A Word about US/Non-US Covers:




It was a common practice for publishers outside the United States to not only reprint an American literary work, but to use the same cover image. Generally, authors and artists were not paid a dime in royalties. It remains an open question as to whether U.S. publishers gave any consent or sold any rights. The covers were almost never actually copied (i.e., photocopied) ... they were reproduced by other artists, some with much more detail than others, as seen in the images above. (Note also that the center book is not the same novel.)

AND ... it certainly didn't go only one-way across the pond. Bibliographer Kenneth R. Johnson has found multiple instances of U.S. publishers using original German cover art. Read his comments about that by clicking his link at the bottom left.



I have credited the scans in this section to the people who found the twins, not necessarily the people who contributed the individual scans in the first place.

Unless otherwise noted, the "matches" were found by Robert Gaines.



































































Updated January, 2020