Vintage Books

Click the group of books beginning with number:




Vintage 200


Vintage 500


Vintage was the paperback subsidiary of Alfred A. Knopf, which began rolling their books into paperback reprint in 1954 using this label. Knopf (along with the Vintage subsidiary) were purchased by Random House in 1960. Later, they became the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group under the Random House name.

Well, I'm confused.

As you browse this section, you will see that some of the books just don't seem to fit into the overall numbering system. For example:



V-131                 V-136                   V-136                   V-137


In this incidence, the first V-136 is obviously the one the "fits" into the sequence. The second was printed in the 1970's, while the others were from the 60's. I can't find Vintage Books in any of the paperback price guides, probably because their format was usually "trade paperback" size rather than "mass market" or "digest" size.



The first scan of V-136 is courtesy of Grant Thiessen; the second is courtesy of Paul Eng. All other scans on this page are courtesy of Brian Maginnity.












This folder was updated in September, 2021