Click the group of books beginning alphabetically with:

Gold Medal
Pocket Book (cont)
Popular Library
Sleaze (cont)
Sleaze (cont)
Sleaze (cont)
Sleaze (cont)
scans added in
Many, many thanks to
contributors of cover scans and information during the past four months:
Achim von Wiedner,
Bill Taylor, Bob Gaines, Brian Maginnity, The CA Kid, Chris McMillen, Doug Holmes, Grant Thiessen, Gunnar
Olsen, Hooked on Books, Kenneth R.
Johnson, Ken W, Kirra
Austin, Rick Beckham, Spacer
Steve and Steve Ericson.
How They're Sorted in This Update:
The images in the Updates are
computer-sorted. I will put them all in proper sequence in their
respective "Publishers' Folders" on the site. But here, all of the Gold Medal "s"
books will come after the "g" and "k" books, etc., rather than in
strict order
of publication (numerically).
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that the BookScans database does not
books printed after 1979.
NOTE: In Update 53 (the last
Update), the Beacon and Softcover Library books identified as being from
the United Kingdom were actually from Australia.
Update 54 was created in June 2023
It will be retained for
one year and then deleted.