BookScans Update 43


Click the group of books beginning alphabetically with:






Additional Pages


















974 scans added in October!


Many, many thanks to contributors of cover scans and information during the past four months:

Anders Nilsson, Anne-Marie Steenbergen, Art Scott, Bill Taylor, Bob Gaines, Brad Hollerbach, Brian Maginnity, Bruce Lander, The CA Kid, Grant Thiessen, Gunnar Olsen, Hooked on Books, Jeff Daiell, Jim Fitzpatrick, Kenneth R. Johnson, Klaus Boehm, Kyle Katz, Lynn Munroe, Matt Arnold, Ralph Vasbender, Rick Beckham Ron Lightburn and Steve Ericson.


How They're Sorted in This Update:

The images in the Updates are computer-sorted. I will put them all in proper sequence in their respective "Publishers' Folders" on the site. But here, all of the Gold Medal "s" books will come after the "g" and "k" books, etc., rather than in strict order of publication (numerically).



I have again missed an update cycle, and I wish to thank the contributors listed above for their patience and understanding.

"BookScans" actually consists of one old retired dude with an incurable addiction to collecting ancient, deteriorating paperback books. My wife and I recently moved to Western Oregon to be nearer family, and I've been forced to take time off from the website to get established in our new home. But now the rainy season is setting in, and I hope to get things back on track in the near future.












Update 43 was created in October 2019.


It will be retained for one year and then deleted.