The Sexy Digests


Croydon through Diversey


NOTE: A few of the books below, such as Exotic and Ecstasy, may be identified by their dates of publication. Where this is the case, the YEAR comes first. For example, 194904 should be read: 1949, April.


Croydon 11 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

12 - Courtesy of Graham Holroyd


14(pb) - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson


16 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

17 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

17R - Courtesy of Anonymous

18 - Courtesy of Graham Holroyd



21 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

22 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

23R - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

24R - Courtesy of Victor Berch


26 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

27 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

28 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

29 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

30 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

31 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

32 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

33 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

34 - Courtesy of Graham Holroyd

35 - Courtesy of Bill Crider

37 - Courtesy of Ryan Richardson

38 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

39 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

40 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

41 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

42 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

43 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

44 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

45 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

46 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

47 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

48 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

49 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

50 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

51 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson


53 - Courtesy of Frank Motler

54 - Courtesy of Graham Holroyd

55 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

56 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

57 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

58 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

59 - Courtesy of Anonymous

60 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter


62 - Courtesy of Bill Crider

64 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

65 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

66 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

67 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

68 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

69 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

70 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

71 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity



74 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

75 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

76 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson



79 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity


81 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

82 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

83 - Courtesy of Victor Berch


85 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

86 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

87 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

88 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

89 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

90 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

91 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

92 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

94 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

95 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

96 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

97 - Courtesy of The CA Kid

102 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

102 - Courtesy of Larry Lasseter

103 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

104 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson


106 - Courtesy of Victor Berch

107 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

108 - Courtesy of Anonymous

109 - Courtesy of Mick Cocksedge

110 - Courtesy of Graham Holroyd

Diversey Popular Novel 1 - Courtesy of Bruce Brenner

2 - Courtesy of Bruce Brenner

Diversey Prize Novel 3 - Courtesy of Bruce Brenner

4 - Courtesy of Bruce Brenner

5 - Courtesy of Bruce Brenner

6 - Courtesy of Bruce Brenner

Diversey Romance Novel 1 - Courtesy of Graham Holroyd



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