Pulp Art

Original Cover Paintings for the Great American Pulp Magazines








by Robert Lesser


Gramercy, 1997. Oversized hard cover with dust jacket, 182 pages. Large book (9 1/2 X 12 ), with hundreds of full color illustrations of the original artwork (paintings) that eventually graced the covers of the early pulp magazines. Dozens of essays by publishers and collectors of this art, as well as the artist's perspective, by folks like Jim Steranko. Sure makes me wish I collected this type of original art. (Sure wish I had the money to do it!)


Pulp Art: Original Cover Paintings for the Great American Pulp Magazines, by Robert Lesser. Sterling Publishing, New York. (2005). Hardcover with dust jacket. 183 pages. (9½ X 12¼). Introduction: Populist Culture and Pulp Art by the author. This is a reprint of the 1997 edition and has many beautiful paintings that became covers for pulp magazines. This is also an anthology of non-fiction articles and essays on the pulps and the artists. Recommended.


(Comments on new edition plus scans of front and back covers: Courtesy of Bob Gaines)