Bibliography of Science Fiction Pornography


by Kenneth R. Johnson


30 years in the making, here is another of Ken's epoch on-line Bibliography/Index books that you can download for free. There is an incredible amount of information here ... and it's on one of the most interesting and collectible genres in the vintage paperback field.

A very informative introduction is followed by chapters listing books by Author, Title and Publisher. There is also a list of books that were excluded from the bibliography (because Ken didn't consider them to fit the definition of the genre ... but they were included in other reference sources). And he's included a listing of books that he considered "marginal" when considering that definition.

With many of the books, he's added the first line from the text, which makes them ... well, interesting, to say the least.

I obviously recommend the book. The introduction alone is well worth the visit.

The work is hosted by Phil Stephensen-Payne. I made the "cover" myself. I hope Ken doesn't mind.

Click HERE to view the book.