Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection


edited by Chris Steinbrunner and Otto Penzler


senior editors Marvin Lachman and Charles Shibuk


McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 1976. (Book Club Edition). Hardcover in dust jacket. 436 pages. (8 X 10½). Preface by the editors. Introduction by the editors. One of the standard encyclopedias of mystery fiction. The editors put together an excellent selection of entries to cover the field. Many of the entries have checklists and bibliographies for several authors. The editors provide many photos of books and authors. The DeAndrea volume was essentially the same type of book. Both books are excellent additions to your collection.











Harvest/HBJ Book/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, New York. 1984. Trade paperback. 436 pages. (7½ X 9¼). It appears to be an exact reprinting of the 1976 edition that appeared in hardcover.




Scan and Commentary by Bob Gaines