and Other Stories
by Bruce Kimmel
Author House, 2006. Blue boards with gold lettering. Dust jacket. 177 pages.
A book of short stories by Kimmel, who is primarily known for his work in producing music. His prose is mainly a quirky spin on Southern California living.
The title short story is about a struggling screenwriter who is enticed by a friend to write "adult fiction" just to make ends meet. He's intrigued, to say the least, and decides to investigate. I quote page 33:
There they were, in the back of the liquor department, on their own little rack. He twirled the rack, glancing at the titles, and then pulled out a few of the more lurid ones.
They all had beautiful scantily clad
babes on the covers, in provocative poses sure to entice any horny red-blooded
American male. The first one he looked at was called Fallen Virtues ("He
had a need for her that defied analysis" its cover read). It was published by
Kozy Books ("Cozy up with Kozy Books"). Others were published by Bedside,
Beacon, Midwood, Ember, Saber, and Newsstand Library. He wondered which
publisher was the one where his friend had an in.
The thing that attracted me to the book was the cover. That's Avon #244 below on the right.