

Dale Books were published by Davis Publishing Company, who primarily published magazines, including Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and Isaac Asimov’s SF Magazine.     (info by Kenneth R. Johnson)


001 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

002 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

003 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

005-0 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

006 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

006 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

007-7 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

008 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

017 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

0062X - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

100 - Courtesy of Kenneth R. Johnson

0109X - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

0109 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

0111 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

0112X - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

123 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

126 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

57X - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

00190 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

00204 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

00220 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

00530 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

00557 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

00654 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

00662 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

00700 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

00727 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

01014 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

01073 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

01170 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

01170 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

01316 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

01219 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

01219 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

01286 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

01340 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

01359 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

01537 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

01545 - Courtesy of Grant Thiessen

01588 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

01588 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines


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