Non-US publishers




4-digit numbers


1005 - Courtesy of Bruno Schmidt

1012 - Courtesy of Bruno Schmidt

GN1019 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

1020 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

SS1027 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

1031 - Courtesy of Hooked on Books

SN1035 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

SW1093 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

FN1043 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

1048 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

1049 - Courtesy of Hooked on Books

SS1051 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SS1051 (Australia) - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SC1059 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SS1063 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

1077 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

SS1083 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SN1098 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SS1118 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SW1154 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SN1161 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

SN1173 - Courtesy of Hooked on Books

FN1186 - Courtesy of Peter de Vos

SW1195 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SC1210 - Courtesy of Gunnar Olsen

SS1227 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

1241 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GW1255 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SC1263 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

SW1265 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

YS1267 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

FN1278 - Courtesy of Peter de Vos

1282 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SW1316 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SS1334 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SN1343 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SW1348 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SW1380 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SN1390 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

SN1390 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

SN1404 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

SW1449 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SW1449 (Australian price) - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SC1474 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS1480 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SW1510 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS1512 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GN1519 - Courtesy of Peter de Vos

FG1528 - Courtesy of Peter de Vos

GW7010 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

SW7010 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SC7024 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

GW7025 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SR7026 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7027 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7027 (1964) - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7243 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SN7048 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SN7049 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

SN7049 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GS7066 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GG7067 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

SW7081 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

SW7081 (Australian price) - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7083 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GN7114 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7125 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7130 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GW7139 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7142 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7143 - Courtesy of Dan Kurdilla

GS7160 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7185 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

GS7230 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GN7240 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7262 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GN7272 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GW7293 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

FS7295 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7329 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GB7340 - Courtesy of Bruce Lander

GW7345 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7347 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7348 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GW7379 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7365 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7383 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GS7417 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GW7419 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GW7419 back - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GC7463 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GC7463 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GW7467 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7469 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GN7489 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7502 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GW7561 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7564 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

FS7577 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7598 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7630 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GS7650 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GS7651 - Courtesy of Brian Maginnity

GS7654 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GN7694 - Courtesy of Bill Taylor

GW7719 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7722 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GS7803 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GS7803 back - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GN7812 - Courtesy of Bob Gaines

GW7815 - Courtesy of Tom Daniels

GS7819 - Courtesy of Hooked on Books


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