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beginning with number:

Pelican & Mentor
Mentor 100
Mentor 200
Mentor 400
Mentor 600
Mentor 1000

One of the least collectible labels by
today's vintage paperback fanatics, Mentor was the flip-side of the
American Library coin, presenting non-fiction offerings where Signet put
out mostly fiction. Before, when Penguin was the label giving us great
fiction titles, Pelican was the non-fiction label.
There are probably two reasons why
Mentor is a neglected publisher by today's collectors. First, these were
used as textbooks by my generation. Yes, it's true ... high school and
college texts didn't always cost two hundred bucks apiece. In the 50's and
60's, they sometimes cost as little as 35¢.
But textbooks have never been very high on the collector's list.
Next, books
from the 50's were not always politically correct. Now, when we're talking
about fiction, that little point often makes a book even more collectible.
It's looked at as sort of cute ... an oddity. But when you realize such
things were being taught in our high schools and colleges as FACTS in
sociology textbooks, many people find that it's not very cute at all.
Sciences" depict the beliefs of the era in which the book was written; and
scientific observations are often affected by those beliefs. As a result,
many sociologists of the 1950's, who were lauded for their findings then,
are criticized for those same findings now. But NAL never
backed down in the face of criticism. For example, Margaret Mead was a frequently
used author, though her views on sexuality and behavior were controversial
during the 50's and 60's, and remain so today.
Mentor printed
such diverse volumes as the Koran and other holy books, numerous history
books, plus texts on music, astronomy, physics, mathematics and the arts.
Of particular
interest is the New World Writing series of books. These presented
essays, short stories, letters, poems, and other brief writings that had
never before been printed in book form (some had been previously published
in periodicals). This makes them true Paperback Originals, and many are
quite collectible. Perhaps the most valuable is #7 (Mentor MD-130), which not only
includes Jack Kerouac's first published writing in a periodical (under the
name Jean-Louis), but also Joseph Heller's short story Catch-18,
which he later released as part of his famous novel Catch-22.
The Mentor section was
updated in September 2021 |