The Paperback Reference Works of Kenneth R. Johnson


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The Digest Index


Defunct Paperbacks


SF Pornography


Fantasy Gothics


Futuristic Romances




It is with the greatest pleasure that BookScans is able to present  these definitive reference books about vintage U.S. paperbacks by one of the foremost authorities on the subject.

Ken is the author of other key works, including The Index to the Science Fiction Magazines, which was co-written with Jerry Boyajian and produced by Twaci Press during the 1970's and 80's.

He lives in Medford, MA.

The Bibliography of Science Fiction Pornography is not part of BookScans. That link will take you to the works, hosted by Phil Stephensen-Payne.

Fantasy Gothics is also hosted by Phil Stephensen-Payne. Vampires, sorceresses, even the Devil himself are often characters in the spooky vintage romances indexed by Ken.

Futuristic Romances (once again hosted by Phil Stepehnsen-Payne). An annotated bibliography published by Leisure Books and Love Spell.


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The Digest Index and Defunct Paperbacks are presented in pdf format. For best results, please adjust the magnification on your browser or pdf reader program to comfortably view the page.









This page was updated in April 2022